Príležitosť Biz2Youth Green

Biz2Youth Green

Študenti strednej školy, študenti vysokej školy

Give youth the opportunity to learn about green entrepreneurship

youth exchange
mládežnícka výmena
erasmus plus
medzinárodná mobilita
Typ vzdelávania
Dátum eventu
10. 4. 2024


The main theme of the project, 'Biz2Youth Green,' revolves around empowering young individuals, particularly NEETs (Not in Education, Employment, or Training), to embrace green entrepreneurship as a catalyst for positive societal and environmental change. Through immersive experiences, mentorship, and innovative methodologies like Design Thinking, the project seeks to equip participants with the skills and mindset required to navigate the complexities of today's environmental challenges. By instilling a sense of social and environmental responsibility, the project aims to nurture a new generation of entrepreneurs poised to revolutionize industries and pave the way for a more sustainable future.

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