Príležitosť Python basics

Python basics

Mladí profesionáli, profesionáli, študenti vysokej školy, študenti strednej školy


Let’s start from the beginning :)

This month we will go back to the basics of Python :)

In this meetup we will guide you through the most important building blocks of the Python programming language.

No previous knowledge is necessary.

You are welcome to bring your laptop and practice along.

We are kindly hosted by Slovak Telekom.

The meetup is free - no need to pay anything.

The meetup is in English.

ženy v it
open source
Typ vzdelávania
Filipa Andrade


Thursday, October 26, 2023 at 6:00 PM to Thursday, October 26, 2023 at 8:00 PM CEST

O autorovi

Filipa Andrade

Filipa is a software developer that loves Python.

She started the PyLadies Bratislava chapter in 2019 as a way of sharing her knowledge with other people.

She has changed careers from Sports Science to IT 15 years ago.

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