Príležitosť Loyalty Evolution hackathon

Loyalty Evolution hackathon

Študenti vysokej školy, mladí profesionáli, profesionáli, startupy

Unlock the Future with Loyalty Evolution hackathon! 🚀

Typ vzdelávania
Dátum a čas eventu
24. 3. 2023 o 17:00 (CET)


Join the 48-hour hackathon organised by Elevator Lab & Blockchain Hub powered by Raiffeisen bank International. Be part of the banking evolution, spend with us weekend in Vienna and win 3 000€!  
We are looking for UX/UI designers, web and app developers, innovators, marketers, product designers, and crypto enthusiasts from central Europe who will help us to solve real-world challenges in banking sector. Create team of 3-5 people and join us in Vienna.  
- Business challenge - Hack the loyalty innovative engagement  
- Technical challenge - Hack the loyalty with blockchain   
More details about the challenges are on our website ➡️ www.loyaltyhackathon.com 
This is the chance for you to be a part of the future of banking. Don't miss the opportunity to showcase your skills, network with other professionals, collaborate with your friends, elevate your ideas and create impactful solutions that could change future of loyalty and blockchain.  
How it works? Go to our website for more information about challenges and register you and your team. 💡 If you have any questions, please contact us at hello@loyaltyhackathon.com 👩🏼‍💻

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