Príležitosť Building Trust in the Rule of Law – Experiences from Slovakia and the Netherlands (webinar)

Building Trust in the Rule of Law – Experiences from Slovakia and the Netherlands (webinar)

Študenti vysokej školy, mladí profesionáli, profesionáli, neziskové organizácie, verejné inštitúcie, študentské projekty

Join us for a virtual event that will bring together Slovak and Dutch experts passionate about judiciary systems, rule of law and data.

právny štát
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Typ vzdelávania
Dátum a čas eventu
19. 9. 2023 o 17:00 (CET)
Michal Piško


We are pleased to invite you to the upcoming webinar scheduled for September 19th at 5 pm.
Join us for a virtual event that will bring together experts passionate about judiciary systems, rule of law and data.

Register yourself for webinar Building Trust in the Rule of Law – Experiences from Slovakia and the Netherlands: https://forms.gle/M1yjm1ohK4UY4ASg8

Throughout this virtual event our speakers will explore various discussion points, including:

  • The Netherlands boasts an impressive 80% trust rating in its judiciary and police among survey respondents. How was such a high level of credibility achieved?

  • Our country has an ongoing debate about the extent to which judges should engage with the media. Do you believe judges should publicly explain their rulings?

  • Slovakia has both a special prosecutor and a specialized court dedicated to handling severe crimes. Yet, these institutions are currently under scrutiny for potential political manipulation. How can we establish law enforcement agencies that project true independence?

  • The Dutch parliament also enjoys considerable trust, even though this trust also shows a slight decline. As we approach elections, concerns about result manipulation have surfaced. How can a system be structured to safeguard the democratic foundation of the state despite changing governing parties?

  • Populism is a pervasive global challenge across the political spectrum. How is the Netherlands effectively countering this phenomenon?


Lousewies van der Laan, Director/Transparency International Netherlands

Samuel Spáč, Specialist at Judicial Studies Institute/Masaryk University

Michal Piško, Director/Transparency International Slovakia

Your participation will be confirmed by e-mail with a link and access details for the webinar on September 18th.

This event is sponsored by Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

O autorovi

Michal Piško

Po absolvovaní štúdia na Vysokej škole múzických umení v Bratislave v roku 2003 sa zamestnal v Denníku SME, v ktorom pôsobil ako redaktor domáceho spravodajstva 11 rokov. Od januára 2015 pôsobí v Transparency International Slovensko, kde má na starosti projekty o samospráve a štátnych firmách, rebríčky transparentnosti, ako aj výskum o korupcii v týchto oblastiach. Riaditeľom TIS je od apríla 2021.