office (Bratislava)
Pracovný čas:
TheSpot office is a fantastic place for team discussions, meeting people and developing our ideas. Yet it's possible to work from anywhere. There are no hard rules, just exploring what work style works the best at given stage.
Druh úväzku:
Plný úväzok
trvalý pracovný pomer
na faktúru
1500 - 2500 € / mes
base salary, then performance bonuses, and stock options on top
Aktualizované: 3. 7. 2024

Sales & Communication Specialist

Co-creators of Exponea, Growni and Ayanza are launching a new product TeamDay: AI for Teams. How to tell the very best story and inspire new customer around the world? Can we do it in 1:1? Can we do it online? How far can we go? Master the art of launching new startups with us.

FLEXi faktor oceňujú napríklad pracujúce mamy s malými deťmi, projekťáci či študenti.

Náplň práce

Use the product every day.

Talk to new users about the product and refine your pitch. What works in most cases? How to handle objections?

Identify the very best customers - what's the ideal customer profile? What the second best?

Inspire internal team by customer stories, help us build a better product and improve communication in all aspects.

Koho hľadáme

You're a born communicator, and a great listener.

You're an optimist.

You're interested in startups and eager to learn how SaaS sales-assisted motion works.

You have your own ways to learn from industry veterans and masters: friends, podcasts, books, events.

You have experienced TeamDay (dot) ai (or TeamDay: AI For Teams in Apple AppStore) and you see the potential.

Prečo si vybrať nás

We are a small team with whom you can make a big impact on the world. You have an unique opportunity to improve your communication skills and learn in supportive environment. If it works well, you'll never need to work for money again.

Znalosť jazyka

  • English - C1 - pokročilý


  • communication - pokročilý
  • continuous learning - pokročilý
  • self-awareness - mierne pokročilý

Dodatočné informácie

If you like it, just apply here and our CEO will get back to you soon.



Ihneď (dohodou)

Pre koho

  • čerstvého absolventa vysokej školy
  • mladého profesionála (prac. skúsenosti do 3 rokov od ukončenia VŠ)
  • profesionála


O organizácii


Našim poslaním je pomôcť jednotlivcom, tímom a organizáciam poznať svoje ciele, spolupracovať a dosahovať výnimočné výsledky. Robíme to kombináciou technológii, AI, vedomostí z oblastí psychológie a z..
Viac o organizácii

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