

Sky Park Offices, Bottova 2622/2, 811 09, Bratislava - mestská časť Staré mesto
IČO: 48207497
software development
softvérové inžinierstvo
Pracovné ponuky
aktuálne 0 (celkom 0)
Dobrovoľnícke projekty
aktuálne 0 (celkom 0)
Vzdelávacie príležitosti
aktuálne 0 (celkom 0)

O organizácii

Vacuum Group is the fastest growing innovation hub in CEE with the aim to advance humanity by improving access to capital, justice and healthcare. We think of profit as a fuel to make social impact and our goal is to leverage talent and resources to drive the innovation ecosystem in CEE and beyond. Our portfolio consists of fast growing companies, and our community is constantly expanding.