Britská obchodná komora v Slovenskej republike

Britská obchodná komora v Slovenskej republike

Hlavné námestie 356/5, 811 01, Bratislava
Nezisková organizácia
IČO: 31790003
Pracovné ponuky
aktuálne 0 (celkom 0)
Dobrovoľnícke projekty
aktuálne 0 (celkom 0)
Vzdelávacie príležitosti
aktuálne 0 (celkom 0)

O organizácii

We are here to help your business to grow and succeed.

Together, we make a strong network of businesses of all sizes that can support each other during these unprecedented times.

Together, we can achieve what we could never achieve alone.

We provide opportunities and facilitate networking, knowledge sharing and communication between our members, the UK Government and the Slovak Government to improve the business environment and help companies achieve their goals.