S čím viem ako mentor pomôcť
Marketing ma baví celý život, odkedy sú v televízií reklamy, nepotrebujem pozerať filmy a seriály, no aj tak to robím. Zábavný priemysel ma baví rovnako ako marketing.
Profesionálne mám viac ako 15 ročné skúsenosti s marketingom pre rôzne veľké slovenské značky. Tá posledná (Voyo) je čisto digitálna, ale predtým som sa bavila launchovaním nových produktov v FMCG - od idey až po finálnu ATL komunikáciu. Medzi ideou a kampaňou je množstvo krokov, business case, schvalovacie procesy, následne vývoj produktu, obalu, uvedenie na trh (sales), až po tomto všetkom je vidieť kampaň. Kampaň však vie človeka zaujať na prvý pokus, ale ak ste nezvládli úplne prvé kroky, tak váš projekt nemá šancu na dlhodobý úspech.
Pomôžem pri ktoromkoľvek z vašich krokov.
Rada sa podelím o svoje know-how na ceste za úspešnou marketingovou kariérou, na ktorej čakajú nielen odborné, aj osobne, medziľudské a iné výzvy.
Voyo marketing team covers all strategic marketing activities of the biggest local streaming service (800 000+ subscribers in Czech and Slovak markets) including: brand management, digital/performance marketing, B2B cooperations, CRM and many more
Full responsibility of brand development, setting the strategy and full fill the brand with emotional attributes Getting into television 24/7 mind set and become a content expert, knowing all stars from reality shows
From positioning to ATL outcomes – based on local needs we prepared portfolio or brand strategy and made it come to live. Supporting local marketing team as a consultant, bringing new ideas, always focused to the business objectives.
Marketing strategy and execution for Slovakia and Czech Republic mainly B2B (online, trade, event marketing)
I learned everything about coffee, even how to make a perfect espresso
Responsibility of Tesco own brands portfolio ATL communication (TV, print, OOH) for Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia
Horalky (SK, CZ), Góralki (PL), Moments (HU), Lina (SK, CZ), Mäta (SK), Tatranky (SK, CZ), sponge biscuits and ginger bread - Sedita, Seditky
From positioning to ATL outcomes – based on local needs we prepared portfolio or brand strategy and made it come to live. Supporting local marketing team as a consultant, bringing new ideas, always focused to the business objectives
Responsibility for slovak love brand Vinea in all brand marketing aspects – from positioning to exectution with consideration of different market position in Slovakia and Czech republic New product development and launch – Vinea Lajt – product with no additional sugar – from idea, through product and packaging to marketing campaign
Launch of a new brand and new product category to SK market
Based on business case with strong insights we launched a female focused beer drink named Redd's During the brand lifetime I was responsible for all marketing activities of the brand in ATL (TV, print, PR, digital) and BTL (consumer promotions, events)
Quantitative and qualitative research – regular brand tracking or ad hoc positioning testing were all my responsibilities. I was part of huge international projects as Ocasional based segmentation to small, but very important local cases – positionings of local brands or enlarging project of Pilsner Urquell Tank beer outlets.
Faculty of Social and Economic studies
PhD. Internal Student Lessons and seminars leading (Social marketing, Consumer behavior and target group, Psychology of marketing communication) Marketing and social research (quantitative/qualitative) Cooperation on European Social Fund projects Conferences organizing
Cooperation on faculty self-government (Academic Senate, Disciplinary committee) Students leading during Diploma thesis writing and feedback giving
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