
Viktor Mikuš

Viktor Mikuš
Portfolio Manager, ESG Analyst @ Quantamental Global Equity
ICHEC Brussels Management School, Brusel, Business Administration/Gestion d'entreprise, 2012
LUXEMBOURG, Luxembursko

Prečo som na GROWNi

Rad podporím ľudí ktorí sa zaujímajú o investovanie, štúdium v zahraničí, alebo chcú rozbehnúť vlastný projekt. Do mentoringu som sa zapojil, aby som mohol pomôcť iným nakoľko z vlastnej skúsenosti viem, že dobrá rada v správny čas môže pomôcť.

S čím viem ako mentor pomôcť

Rozbeh projektu

Viac o mne

I believe mentoring is a great way to guide and help people in their decision making. Having been a mentee myself, it gave me valuable insight into future perspectives. Everyone creates their own journey towards happiness, but it’s just so much easier to travel on this trail with others, who have or have had similar pathways.

Kľúčové slová o mne

kapitálové trhy
zacni podnikat

Pracovné skúsenosti

Guest lecturer Sustainable Finance track @ University of Luxembourg (MSc in Finance and Economics)
Active ESG portfolio construction and management class Student assignment, stock universe screening and ESG portfolio construction
Portfolio Manager, ESG Analyst @ Quantamental Global Equity
Quantamental investment model creates powerful synergies between traditional asset management techniques and the computing power of machine learning algorithms. Investing Focus: growth at cheap price, intelligent speculation in significant events, deep value, special situations


Business Administration/Gestion d'entreprise
ICHEC Brussels Management School, Brusel
2009 – 2012
2004 – 2009


  • vysokoškoláka
  • mladého profesionála (prac. skúsenosti do 3 rokov od ukončenia VŠ)
  • startup
  • študentský projekt
  • neziskovú organizáciu
  • stredoškoláka

  • jednorazová konzultácia
  • dlhodobý mentoring
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