
Tomáš Miškov

Tomáš Miškov
E-Commerce & Graphic Design @ Self-employed
Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam, Business Data Science, 2024
Amsterdam, Holandsko

S čím viem ako mentor pomôcť

grafický dizajn
grafický dizajn
business nápad
výber univerzity
time manažment
online podnikanie
online marketing

Viac o mne


Kľúčové slová o mne

time manažment
data science
machine learning
štúdium v holandsku
vzdelávacie videá
statistics and analysis
štatistika a analýza
vizualizácia dát
strojové učenie
vedecká popularizácia

Prečo som tu

Čauko, som Tomáš a tento rok (2024) som dokončil MPhil Business Data Science v Amsterdame. Vo voľnom čase rád cvičím, animujem matematické videá na YouTube, chodím na prechádzky do lesa a rozmýšľam nad kadeakými podnikateľskými nápadmi.

Ak by si sa chcel pobaviť o tom svojom nápade, dať nejakú brainstorming session alebo máš nejaké otázky ohľadom štúdia v Holandsku, rád s tebou pokecám. Tiež som veľkým fanatikom do bicyklovania ako primárneho spôsobu dopravy, data visualization a matematiky, čiže kľudne hodím reč aj o týchto záujmoch 💪🏼

Pracovné skúsenosti

E-Commerce & Graphic Design @ Self-employed
- Running several Print-On-Demand (POD) stores with various articles of clothing and stationary. Sold +25,000 pieces of merchandise over a period of 6 years As of 2021 the stores generate revenue that serves as a passive income source. - While building up the stores I acquired skills in graphic design, SEO optimization, market research & paid advertising. Get some cool stickers here
2016 - súčasnosť
General Manager @ Think Smart Tutoring
- Started as a Wordpress website developer and a graphic designer. Moved onto managing online Google and Facebook advertising and eventually took up a general manager position. - Leading a team of 30-40 freelance tutors. Managing the marketing strategy and doing sales calls with potential clients.
2018 - 2024
Teaching Assistant - Deep & Machine Learning @ Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Implementing from scratch and subsequently explaining fundamental deep learning models: basic, convolutional, recurrent, and transformers-based neural networks - Creating curriculum for the tutorials of Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning courses of the Research Master’s program in Business Data Science - Creating coding tutorials and teaching the statistical theory behind core machine learning algorithms. Facilitating project work of the student teams
2022 - 2023


MPhil, Business Data Science
Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam
2021 – 2024
BSc, Business Administration
Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam
2018 – 2021
LEAF Academy
2016 – 2018

Doplnkové aktivity a úspechy

Blog & YouTube Channel
- Personal blog where I aim to explain intriguing concepts from statistics and machine learning in an intuitive way. Both for my own learning and for helping others see the beauty of it all. I think it’s beautiful :) - In 2023 I also started with making animated math-explainers on YouTube. My two most successful videos are on Matrix Tree Theorem and this cool geometric way to multiply numbers - just search for my name on YouTube
Expanzia sutaze Naboj Junior do Holandska
I am the lead coordinator of the expansion of Naboj Junior to the Netherlands and Belgium. Naboj Junior is a one-day math and physics team competition for high-school students that originated in Czechia and Slovakia. I lead a team of 4 people and we got 65 competing teams (∼240 students) in our pilot year.


  • stredoškoláka
  • vysokoškoláka
  • študentský projekt

  • jednorazová konzultácia
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