
Braňo Šandala

Braňo Šandala
Freelance Product Designer and Mentor
Masarykova Univerzita, Brno, Service Science, Management and Engineering, 2012
Brno, Česká republika

S čím viem ako mentor pomôcť

product design
product management
product idea validation

Viac o mne

Ahoj! 👋 Som Brano a aktualne pomaham startupom a softwarovym firmam rozbehnut ich odvazne produktove napady. V minulosti som si presiel roznymi mensimi i vascimi projektmi, poucil sa na vlastnych chybach a rad moje skusenosti predam dalej.

Kľúčové slová o mne

product idea validation
product design
product management

Prečo som tu

Mentorujem (aj zacinajucich) designerov a product managerov, ktori maju pred sebou narocnejsi softwarovy projekt a potrebuju pomocnu ruku, radu, ci nasmerovanie.

Pracovné skúsenosti

Designer / Co-founder @ tota agentura
Exposing the quality Rusyn legacy by: — designing & illustrating books, CDs and promotion materials, — managing projects — managing digital presence on the web and in the social media.
2011 - súčasnosť
Freelance Product Designer and Mentor
I mold my experience of customer research, product design, and business strategy to help startups and software companies: → test and validate product ideas, → define and drive scalable product strategy, → design viable, usable and desirable digital products, → establish customer feedback loops across the organization, → conduct market and customer research.
2020 - súčasnosť
UX Designer → Senior Product Manager @ Kentico
As a founding team member of internal startup team, I brought Kentico Kontent from an abstract idea (2015) to its scaling (2019). I was sitting on many chairs throughout the project to kick the product out of the door and make it successful: I validated early product ideas, built a beta version, launched an MVP, and scaled the product to a million-dollar business.
2013 - 2019


Mgr, Service Science, Management and Engineering
Masarykova Univerzita, Brno
2010 – 2012
Bc. , Aplikovaná informatika
Masarykova Univerzita, Brno
2007 – 2010


  • vysokoškoláka
  • mladého profesionála (prac. skúsenosti do 3 rokov od ukončenia VŠ)
  • profesionála
  • neziskovú organizáciu
  • startup

  • jednorazová konzultácia
  • dlhodobý mentoring

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