
KInIT is opening a
new PhD. program!

The first independent institute focused on researching intelligent technologies in Slovakia is opening it's second year of PhD. program directly cooperating with industries and with an engagement of top scientists working at world-class universities and research teams of tech companies!

KInIT is opening a new PhD. program!
KInIT and GROWNi are partnering organizations

Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies KInIT and GROWNi are partnering organizations established in the same challenging times, sharing the same values. GROWNi aspires to support such unique ideas in our ecosystem as much as possible.

  • is an independent, non-profit institute dedicated to intelligent technology research. The institute brings together and nurture experts in artificial intelligence and other areas of computer science, with connections to other disciplines.
  • combines the excellent competencies of academic researchers and educators with innovative companies, their needs and experience.
  • by involving the private sector seeks to create a healthy research ecosystem that is connected to existing universities, the Slovak Academy of Sciences and above all to the international community.
KInIT and GROWNi are partnering organizations

Become a top expert in artificial intelligence

Either you are eligible for application yourself or know somebody who may be interested, we encourage you to spread the word about this program in your network to help the real center of excellence in Slovakia grow.