Dobrovoľnícky projekt Photos and Videos for our updated website

Photos and Videos for our updated website

Nezisková organizácia
Bratislavský kraj, Bratislava
Spôsob spolupráce
Osobné stretnutia
Dĺžka projektu
krátkodobá (do 3 mesiacov, max 2-3 konzultácie alebo jednorazová pomoc)

Pomôž nám s ...

Look more professional

Zatiaľ máme ...

We have photos, but not enough and/or the right quality. We have already recorded videos ourselves, but some of them look don't look very professional or don't have good sound.

Chceme dosiahnúť / Finálny výstup

With your help we want our website to look more professional and relevant. The videos our key content for teachers and we want them to be able to use them with ease.

Keď sa pridáš k nám získaš / zažiješ / spoznáš / naučíš sa...

We are looking for someone who is passionate about photography and we offer the possibility to use that passion for a good cause (to help making education more engaging and relevant to kids).

Čo sa nám s tvojou pomocou podarí zmeniť / zlepšiť...

It will be easier for English teachers to see the benefits of using Smart games in the lessons and make lessons more engaging and relevant to kids. With the help of volunteers and our sponsors we will be able to offer all content of our online library ( Videos of Smart games, Tips and Supporting material) for free.


4 hodín / mesačne
  • vysokoškoláka
  • mladého profesionála (prac. skúsenosti do 3 rokov od ukončenia VŠ)
  • stredoškoláka
  • krátkodobá (do 3 mesiacov, max 2-3 konzultácie alebo jednorazová pomoc)
  • dlhodobá
14. 10. 2024

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