Dobrovoľnícky projekt Content Creator

Content Creator

Projekt / iniciatíva bez právnej formy
tvorba contentu
veda a výskum
výskum trhu práce
strategický marketing
Spôsob spolupráce
Na diaľku (online)
Dĺžka projektu

Pomôž nám s ...

We are looking for people passionate about STEM who would research opportunities suitable for our website. While this would be their job description, they can absolutely contribute ideas, come up with social media content and anything that sparks their interest and helps Chance grow!

Zatiaľ máme ...

So far we have around 50 research opportunities at almost 20 locations and we are looking for people to help us expand this portfolio. Chance has several hundred visitors on its website and is constantly growing. Not to mention partnerships with different private research organisations!

Chceme dosiahnúť / Finálny výstup

Working on their own schedule, we aim to greatly expand the number of opportunities we offer while also coming up with new campaigns, marketing ideas etc. (if interested)

Keď sa pridáš k nám získaš / zažiješ / spoznáš / naučíš sa...

You'll get to be a part of a team of passionate students contributing to a better future while giving young scientists the opportunity to engage in cutting end research. Due to partnerships, we also offer discounts on different research camps and internship and you will get to make a real impact on the world of science.

Čo sa nám s tvojou pomocou podarí zmeniť / zlepšiť...

We aim to provide students all around the world with equal opportunities to engage in research and STEM fields of their interest. In the long run we hope to make chance a mobile app and the go-to place of everyone looking for a research opportunity :)


1 hodín / denne
  • stredoškoláka
  • vysokoškoláka
  • dlhodobá
10. 3. 2023

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