
Šimon Popovič

Šimon Popovič
Košice , Košický kraj, Slovensko

Prečo som na GROWNi

READY TO MAKE A DENT IN THE UNIVERSE 👀? I am passionate student with enthusiasm in natural sciences, space research and graphic design. I was always extremely curious about our world, how do things work and how to create new solutions to them 💡That stuck with me to this day. I love to learn and gain new knowledge trough which I can explain things to others in easier language 🧠 My passion about teaching was growing and it all ended up in creating the VEDA V KOCKE project ⚡ (in English briefly translated to SCIENCE IN NUTSHELL):I created a team of science nerds and we are creating educational, amusing and interactive content on social media for young Generation Z 🔥 - because we do believe that this generation has power to change the world for better 😎 The project's mision is to popularize science to young masses. We are building the largest scientific community in Slovakia - we want to kick-start the curiosity of young people at full speed 💫 (more on our website: https://bit ly/veda-vkocke)I am creating social media content 5 years so far. Being creator made positive impact in my life and my destiny is to create a community of teenage Slovak creators who wouldn't be zombie CONSUMERS, but who whould create positive impact in Slovakia 🇸🇰 trought their own meanigful projects I am willing to take part in ambitious projects and use my knowledge from socia media content creation, marketing and copywriting, and help them to reach new people 👥Whether you are working on a small project, or building a large space rocket, I am willing to help you and be part of the journey of creating a better place for everyone Let's make the change together 💪👇https://bit.ly/3Y8GmEO

S čím viem ako dobrovoľník pomôcť

social media marketing
ux/ui dizajn
vedecká popularizácia
sociálne médiá

Viac o mne

Just a proactive teenager interested in science and design, with hope of creating a better place for everyone. Or ... maybe more than that:

I like to get involved in ambitious projects that have the potential to change the WORLD for the better.

I stand behind the project VEDA V KOCKE (translated to: Science in nutshell), with which we bring science and technology closer to the young generation in a brutally interactive way in Slovakia.

Wanna change the world? Hit me up here then!

Kľúčové slová o mne

ux/ui dizajn
social media marketing
vedecká popularizácia


Gymnázium, Šrobárova 1
Bol som prijatý na Gymnázium Šrobárová v Košiciach začiatkom apríla 2023. Do školského ročníka 2023/24 nastupujem 4. septembra 2023. Z vyššie uvedeného vyplýva, že hoci som už oficiálne stredoškolákom, na škole sa ešte aktuálne nenachádzam, pretože prebiehajú letné prázdniny.
2023 – súčasnosť


5 hodín / týždenne
  • neziskovke, škole
  • verejnej inštitúcii
  • startupu
  • študentskému projektu
  • dlhšiu dobu, aj niekoľko týždňov
  • na diaľku (online)
  • osobné stretnutia
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