
Samanta Lima

Samanta Lima
Web developer @ bestnanny
CEU, Vienna, Political science-international relations, 2022
Ružinov, Bratislavský kraj, Slovensko

Prečo som na GROWNi

I'm am aiming grow both professionally and personally and I have a deep love for constantly learning new things. It's the perfect opportunity for me to learn, evolve, and help others along the way.

S čím viem ako dobrovoľník pomôcť

Projektový manažment
Web development

Viac o mne

Currently I have my own business for which I have worked with for the past two years and I will keep with for many more years, where I have learned a lot of new skills such as HR, graphic design and management. I love to focus my time on learning new skills and I am open to learn from different areas. I have a master's degree in international relations and political science :) I also have studied AUTOCAD 2D and 3D and industrial drawing.

Kľúčové slová o mne

web design
web development
tvorba webu
ľudské vzťahy
tímový hráč
women empowerment
túžba zlepšovať sa
zefektívnenie hr procesov
tvorba projektov
zmysel pre humor
strategický marketing

Pracovné skúsenosti

Google Ads specialist
Created and managed Google campaigns while also implementing into the website
2024 - súčasnosť
Web developer @ bestnanny
Design, developed/managed the entire web page
2024 - súčasnosť


Nationalism studies, Political science-international relations
CEU, Vienna
2020 – 2022
Political sciences and IR , Political science
Comenius, Bratislava
2017 – 2020
Medicine, Medicine
UBA, Buenos Aires
2013 – 2016
AutoCAD 2D and 3D, Autocad
SENAC, Sao Paulo
2010 – 2012
Industrial drawing
Albert Einstein, Sao Paulo
2010 – 2011


  • startupu
  • dlhšiu dobu, aj niekoľko týždňov
  • krátkodobo, resp. max 3 konzultácie
  • na diaľku (online)
  • osobné stretnutia

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