
Peter Majko

Peter Majko
Head of Data Platform @ OBI
Düsseldorf, Nemecko

S čím viem ako dobrovoľník pomôcť

spracovanie dát
zber dát
vizualizácia dát
Data Engineering
Data Platform

Viac o mne

I focus on leading the development and operation of data platforms and products in the cloud.

I have experience in traditional and agile environments in technical leadership, data architecture, engineering, analysis, and data projects and product management. Having a holistic approach to technologies, business, and people, I can effectively contribute to all areas of modern data management, namely data governance, security, integration, architecture, warehousing, modelling, quality, and metadata.


Besides DataOps & BI, I have a broader overview of hardware and software, as well as general IT processes in the areas of Software Development, Operations, and Security Management.


From a business perspective, I gained first-hand experience in e-commerce, sales, marketing, customer support, purchasing, finance controlling and supply chain.

Kľúčové slová o mne

technologické inovácie
data engineering

Prečo som tu

· To inspire innovation and automation

· To champion data protection

· To develop and grow people

· To promote ownership and collaborative self-learning culture

· To help to operate with relative independence

Pracovné skúsenosti

Head of Data Platform @ OBI
Besides day-to-day operations and budget control of the department, I scaled it up to better meet increasing demands for data processing. Since my start in the position, I have grown the department from 7 to 22 engineers and divided it into two enabling and one supporting team with their leads. I have envisioned and initialized the development of a new modern data platform with principles of security and privacy by design, API 1st, cloud nativity, modularity, and everything as a code in the concept's core.
2021 - súčasnosť


4 hodín / týždenne
  • neziskovke, škole
  • startupu
  • študentskému projektu
  • dlhšiu dobu, aj niekoľko týždňov
  • krátkodobo, resp. max 3 konzultácie
  • na diaľku (online)
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