
Patrik Uhrin

Patrik Uhrin
Head of Marketing & Growth @ Lady Technologies, Inc. - kegg
San Francisco, USA

Prečo som na GROWNi

Same as you I am still figuring it out. And I expect to be doing that for the rest of my life. Reach out and we can be figuring it out together :)

S čím viem ako dobrovoľník pomôcť

špecialista marketingu
strategicky marketing

Viac o mne

Obsessed with running companies/projects/life smoothly, efficiently, and effectively.

In my career, I transitioned from leading operations at an early-stage healthcare startup where we launched a direct-to-consumer medical device brand on the US market to now leading marketing and growth while building a trustworthy brand in the women’s health space.

Found out there are 3 things that make me happy: solving problems, helping others solve problems & talking to interesting people. I am trying to build my life around it.

Do you have problems to solve or just want to have an interesting conversation? Reach out!

Kľúčové slová o mne


Pracovné skúsenosti

Head of Marketing & Growth @ Lady Technologies, Inc. - kegg
San Francisco, Praha
Growing HealthTech DTC Brand in women's health space.
2017 - súčasnosť
Co-founder & Editor in Chief @ Magazine The Student
- Editor in Chief of the biggest commercial student maganize in Slovakia - Lead team of 10 members - Developed partnerships with corporate advertisers - Set up and executed a B2B sales strategy of advertising space
2016 - 2017


  • startupu
  • študentskému projektu
  • krátkodobo, resp. max 3 konzultácie
  • dlhšiu dobu, aj niekoľko týždňov
  • na diaľku (online)

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