
Sama Z.

Sama Z.
Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj, Slovensko

Prečo som na GROWNi

You can have me as a digital marketing and automation consultant for free for your business for anytime. I am a website designer, digital marketer, and IT manager with more than 10 years of experience.

S čím viem ako dobrovoľník pomôcť

web development
projektový manažment
web design
web development
team coaching

Viac o mne

I'm Sama. You can have me as a digital marketing and automation consultant for free for your business for anytime. I am a website designer, digital marketer, and It manager with more than 10 years of experience.
I am new to Slovakia as a management student and I want to improve my communication and network with talents here specially the other coaches and consultants in any field.

Languages: English (Advanced), Persian (Native)

Kľúčové slová o mne

team coaching
web design
technologické inovácie
transfer technológií
záujmové krúžky


  • neziskovke, škole
  • verejnej inštitúcii
  • startupu
  • dlhšiu dobu, aj niekoľko týždňov
  • osobné stretnutia
  • na diaľku (online)
Ako rýchlo reagujem:

do 2 hodín

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