
Barbora Gábryš

Barbora Gábryš
Analytik informačných a komunikačných technológií @ Policajné prezídium ČR
Masarykova univerzita, Brno, Praveká archeológia Blízkeho východu, 2016
Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj, Slovensko

S čím viem ako dobrovoľník pomôcť

Deti a mládež
umenie a kultúra

Viac o mne

Kľúčové kompetencie a skúsenosti:

  • Analytické myslenie a výskumné schopnosti: Získané vďaka práci analytičky informačných a komunikačných technológií a štúdiom archeológie.

  • Organizačné schopnosti: Nadobudnuté pri organizovaní vzdelávania pre policajné zložky, riadení archeologických prác a projektov.

  • Komunikácia a spolupráca: Pracovala som v medzinárodných tímoch, komunikovala so zahraničnými partnermi a zúčastňovala sa medzinárodných workshopov a konferencií.

  • Jazykové znalosti: Anglický jazyk na úrovni C1, čeština pokročilá, po troške arabsky, francúzsky, nemecky a španielsky.

  • Záujem o kultúru a históriu: Prejavený dlhodobým štúdiom archeológie, zároveň prácou a angažovanosťou v oblasti ochrany kultúrneho dedičstva.

  • Sociálne zručnosti: Získané pri starostlivosti o deti a pri práci v rôznorodých medzinárodných tímoch kultúrne i jazykovo rozdielnych.

  • Technické zručnosti: Práca s databázami, grafické prezentácie.

  • Rýchle pochopenie zadania a inovatívny prístup: Schopnosť nielen splniť úlohu, ale aj priniesť pridanú hodnotu a inovácie.

  • Spoľahlivosť, pracovitosť a diskrétnosť: Dôvera, že zadané úlohy budú vykonané zodpovedne a s maximálnym nasadením.

  • Zdravé sebavedomie a túžba po poznávaní: Proaktívny prístup k výzvam a neustále vzdelávanie sa.

  • Inšpiratívne diskusie a brainstorming: Schopnosť prispievať k riešeniu problémov a hľadaniu inovatívnych riešení.

  • Jazykové zručnosti (aj ako soft skill): Ľahká komunikácia a argumentácia aj v zložitejších diskusiách.

  • Úprimnosť a priamosť: Otvorená komunikácia a vyjadrovanie vlastných názorov.

  • Schopnosť rozlišovať spravodlivosť: Dôraz na etické hodnoty a spravodlivé riešenia.

  • Nové nápady, sebamotivácia, dôslednosť, láskavosť, otvorenosť, citlivosť: Kombinácia kreativity, zodpovednosti a empatie.

  • Organizácia, predvídanie, rozhodnosť, analýza: Silné manažérske zručnosti.

  • Schopnosť počúvať a vypočuť, poradiť, rozosmiať: Vynikajúce interpersonálne zručnosti a budovanie pozitívnych vzťahov.

  • Odhodlanosť, zanietenie, rozhľadenosť, samostatnosť: Proaktívny a nezávislý prístup k práci.

  • Schopnosť pracovať s neštruktúrovanými materiálmi a situáciami a dať im štruktúru a zameranie: Riešenie komplexných úloh a efektívne stanovenie priorít.

Kľúčové slová o mne

výborné komunikačné schopnosti
vzťahy a komunikácia
výborné organizačné schopnosti
výskumné schopnosti
analytické schopnosti
ochrana kultúrneho dedičstva
ochrana životného prostredia
vzdelávacie aktivity
starostlivosť o komunitu
víkendové dobrovoľníctvo
duševné zdravie

Prečo som tu

Som tu preto, že moja nasilnejšia kariérna kotva je potreba slúžiť dobrej veci. Hľadám prácu, ktorá má zmysel, presah, pomáha ľudom a svetu. Vtedy nevyhasne môj pracovný zápal, vášeň, energia, neustále sa učiť a pracovať na sebe.

Pracovné skúsenosti

Analytik informačných a komunikačných technológií @ Policajné prezídium ČR

The Search Department is responsible for the overall status of investigations in the Czech Republic. The cultural heritage protection section deals with the cases of identification and repatriation of stolen artefacts in the Czech Republic and abroad in cooperation with the State Attorney's Office, the Ministry of Culture and Customs.


  • responsible for accepting, rejecting, or correcting records of cultural objects in the national database - nominating stolen artworks for inclusion in the Interpol database - answering all requests from Interpol and Europol

  • regular checking the antiquities shops and internet auctions - participating in European police operation Pandora which targeted an illicit trade of antiquities, coordination of police and customs forces

2016 - 2020
Prehistorian, square supervisor, chief registrar, documentation, base camp coordination @ ex oriente e. V.

The Ba`ja Neolithic Project - Household and Death Research The 2019 spring season consisted of:

  1. Indoor analysis of Ba‘ja finds and samples stored in the Dig House at Beidha village.

  2. Small-scale excavations of selected rooms already exposed in earlier excavations.

  3. Additional operations are small-scale surveys for mineral sources in the Ba`ja environs.

COMPETENCES needed and acquired:

  • Adaptability & Resilience

  • Physical Stamina & Athletic Competence

  • Teamwork & Comradeship

  • Improvisation & Problem-Solving

  • Emotional Discipline & Substance-Free Work Environment

  • Tolerance to Discomfort & Self-Sufficience

  • Cross-Cultural Communication

  • Risk Awareness & Safety Compliance

  • Mental and Physical Endurance

2019 - 2019
Trainee in Management and Research in Archaeology @ ex oriente e. V.
Berlin, Jordánsko

Erasmus Graduate Internship at ex oriente, a research association at the Free University of Berlin (Institute of Near Eastern Archaeology)

Field Project Management:

Project Planning & Goal Setting: Skilled in administrative planning and defining research objectives for archaeological field projects, with experience in the Ba‘ja Neolithic Project, in Jordan.

On-Site Logistics & Coordination: Hands-on expertise in coordinating on-field logistics and supporting the execution of project goals to ensure efficient and successful field operations.

Archaeological Analysis & Documentation:

Collection Curation & Data Preparation: Proficient in managing and curating collections, including pre-sorting artifacts, statistical preparation, and inventory management for Neolithic and Chalcolithic sites.

Visual Documentation: Experienced in graphic documentation through drawing, scanning, and arranging artifacts for professional presentations, ensuring accuracy in archaeological records.

Specialized Publishing & Editorial Management:

Publication Development: Expertise in organizing and managing archaeological publications, including workshops and research proceedings, from initial review to final layout and print.

Publishing House Administration: Strong background in the administrative operations of specialized publishing, including print preparation, quality control, and producing print-ready materials.

2016 - 2016
Administratíva @ Havel, Holasek & Partners s.r.o., Cash Collectors

assisting with huge administrative burden mediatory point between clients and lawyers or students of law

2015 - 2015
Web Editor @ Centre of Prehistoric Archaeology of Near East

helping to refurbish and update the information on the official website of PANE

2014 - 2015
Social media and web support @ Archaeologia Mesopotamica z.s

creating a new website for Archaeologia Mesopotamica non-profit organisation managing a Facebook page of A.M z.s

2013 - 2015
Team member @ ex oriente e.V.

The Eastern Jafr Joint Archaeological Project in the Jabal Einab Area

Field Archaeology & Excavation

Excavation & Structural Documentation: Skilled in excavating and documenting archaeological structures with precise sampling techniques to ensure accurate data collection.

Archaeobiological & Radiocarbon Sampling: Experienced in obtaining archaeobiological and 14C samples, contributing to the detailed chronological analysis of archaeological finds.

Photographic & Site Documentation

Photographic Documentation: Proficient in comprehensive photographic documentation of structures, enhancing visual records and supporting further analysis.

Site Survey & Mapping: Expertise in conducting site surveys, creating detailed site plans, and using kite photography to capture aerial views for spatial documentation.

2014 - 2014
Assistant @ Library of Centre of Prehistoric Archaeology of Near East

digitalising of library, promoting events for archaeology, included in decision-making process and administration of the field of study

2012 - 2014
Archaeological worker @ Istanbul University

excavation at a fortified settlement of the Middle and Late Chalcolithic period in Cappadocia.

2013 - 2013
Temporary archaeological worker @ Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Czech Republic

rescue excavation work

2012 - 2012
Technician @ Archeologická agentúra s r.o. Slovakia

supervision of the workers, documentation, measurements, drawings

2012 - 2012
Supervisor @ Masaryk University
Tell Arbid Abyad, NW Syria

supervision of the workers, responsible for single trench, documentation, measurements, working with a total station, drawings of artefacts, final report

2010 - 2010


Mgr., Praveká archeológia Blízkeho východu
Masarykova univerzita, Brno
2009 – 2016
Gymnázim J. M. Hurbana, anglická bilingválna sekcia
2005 – 2009

Jazykové znalosti

C2 - expert
C1 - pokročilý
A2 - začiatočník
A2 - začiatočník

Doplnkové aktivity a úspechy

Morphological Study of Sling Projectiles with Analysis of Clay Balls from the Late Neolithic Site Tell Arbid Abyad (Syria)

The presented work will try to establish a first morphological means for the identification of sling projectiles in the archaeological record in the Near East. The main goal is to concentrate on the metric data and the functional design of projectiles in order to establish parameters which are characteristic only for sling projectiles. The necessary size, weight and form parameters, however, cannot at present be deduced from archaeological artefacts proper, because the identification of "rounded handy-sized objects of clay or stone RHO" (Kubíková 2013, 17) as sling projectiles is disputed and very different functions for the plain and ball-like items are proposed (cooking stones, tokens etc.). The central idea is to get to valid parameters after studying sling projectiles in a secure context, where their identification is unambiguous, namely in their use by recent-ethnographic societies. Studying the attributes of slingstones from the ethnographic contexts from Oceania and Americas, it is hoped that realistic size and shape ranges can be defined which could serve as a supporting tool when designating and interpreting small finds of stone or clay in the Neolithic Near East. The range margins, it is thought, in the first step, will permit to subtract from the archaeological record all RHO items that fall out of the size, weight and form range of ethnographically attested sling missiles. As a testing case, the ethnographically derived parameters will be applied to various kinds of plain clay balls that were found at the Late Neolithic site Tell Arbid Abyad (MU-ARBA Project, NE-Syria, 2007–2010). Beyond that much of the available archaeological information and photographs of slingstones, sling balls and sling projectiles are brought together to spur an archaeological comparison and which could help archaeologists with a correct identification of small artefacts.

Re-assessment of Objects Referred to as Sling Missiles in the Prehistoric Archaeology of the Near East

The main aim of this study is to re-assess the objects referred to as sling missiles in the archaeology of the Near East by drawing together and evaluating published sources concerning these controversial artifacts. The focus lies on the description and archaeological context in order to define a possible framework of shapes to improve the identification of the specimen and to guarantee their proper designation amongst other rounded handy-sized clay objects. Various approaches and interpretations of function and production of these objects are presented and subsequently checked on their plausibility using inductive elements coming from the ethnography, contemporary studies and surrounding fields. The intention of this work was most importantly to draft a roadmap for further substantial research into the sling missiles the ancient Near East. http://is.muni.cz/th/361550/ff_b/

Cena Jana Rulfa pro nejlepší práci v oboru archeologie
  1. místo Autor: Kubíková Barbora Typ práce: Mgr. Název práce: Morphological Study of Sling Projectiles with Analysis of Clay Ball from the Late Neolithic Site Tell Arbid Abyad (Syria)

Hobby, záujmy

aktivizmus - podpisové akcie, protesty za ľudskoprávne a enviromentálne témy, sebarozvojové podcasty, vášeň pre zdieľanie skúseností a motiváciu iných, výberová káva, dobrovoľníctvo na konferenciách (I see me, Gábor Maté) dobrovoľníctvo pre rodinné centrum Macko, party tanec, cestovanie po pamiatkách, arabská a indická kuchyňa


1 hodín / týždenne
  • neziskovke, škole
  • verejnej inštitúcii
  • študentskému projektu
  • krátkodobo, resp. max 3 konzultácie
  • dlhšiu dobu, aj niekoľko týždňov
  • na diaľku (online)
  • osobné stretnutia
  • kraj
  • Bratislavský kraj
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