
Desana Švoliková

Desana Švoliková
Operations Manager @ Flux Aviation
University of Glasgow, Business and Management with German Language, 2017
Veľká Británia a Severné Írsko

S čím viem ako dobrovoľník pomôcť

Expertné dobrovoľníctvo

Viac o mne

Dlhodobo žijem v UK kam som sa presťahovala za štúdiom na univerzite. 

Rok som strávila aj na univerzite v Nemecku vďaka programu Erasmus+. 

Momentálne pracujem ako Operations Manager pre Flux Aviation.

Vo voľnom čase rada cestujem a spoznávam nové kultúry.

Kľúčové slová o mne

chuť pomáhať
štúdium v anglicku

Prečo som tu

Hľadám dobrovoľnícke príležitosti, kde by som mohla pomôcť a zároveň sa niečo nové naučiť a spoznať nových ľudí.

Pracovné skúsenosti

Operations Manager @ Flux Aviation
• Managing day-to-day operations of fast-growing technology startup. • Overseeing budgets ensuring efficient allocation of resources and cost control. • Leading the recruitment and hiring process, including onboarding new staff. • Responsible for marketing and social media strategies including content creation, campaign management and performance analysis.
2023 - súčasnosť
Deputy Programme Manager @ University of Warwick - Warwick Business School
● Managed all operational aspects and effective delivery of the Full-time and Executive MBA programmes. ● Supported students with non-academic issues, providing pastoral care and ensuring high quality customer experience throughout the entire student lifecycle. ● Provided day-to-day operational team management by managing and leading a team of Operations Coordinators.
2022 - 2023
Senior Internationalisation Administrator @ Coventry University
● Managed the Erasmus+ and other international exchange programmes. ● Responsible for the day-to-day operations and implementing the Faculty's Internationalisation strategy. ● Delivered projects, meeting key targets to ensure a high level of student satisfaction.
2020 - 2022
Export Sales Co-ordinator @ HydroGarden
● Developed and executed international sales strategies based on analytical data and sales forecasts for specific markets in order to drive revenue growth. ● Built relationships with key stakeholders in order to enter new markets and further develop existing relationships, while delivering excellent customer service.
2017 - 2020
Export Project Co-ordinator @ HydroGarden
● Researched, analysed and interpreted the hydroponic and indoor farming markets in Europe and USA and designed a strategy for increasing revenue in the markets with the greatest potential.
2017 - 2017
Student Mobility Marketing Intern @ University of Glasgow
● Promoting mobility options to students, arranging mobility events and developing and delivering mobility-related communications.
2016 - 2017


MA, Business and Management with German Language
University of Glasgow
2012 – 2017
Gymnazium Jura Hronca
International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
2010 – 2012


4 hodín / týždenne
  • neziskovke, škole
  • verejnej inštitúcii
  • startupu
  • študentskému projektu
  • krátkodobo, resp. max 3 konzultácie
  • dlhšiu dobu, aj niekoľko týždňov
  • na diaľku (online)

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